so i know it's been an inexcusably long time since i wrote last and trust me, lots has happened. the biggest thing is (drum roll please!!) Aria has learned to crawl :) only slightly and she wears out fast, but she is definitely doing it! i guess i should have started with the fact that she's rolling over all the time now and i can't keep my eyes off her lol. she's growing so much every day it's incredible.
some other new things...she's obsessed with putting her hands behind her head for some reason... still teething and drooling all over everything. and not sleeping much for that matter - something i hope changes VERY soon. she jabbers ALL THE TIME and it's SO STINKING CUTE! she really is convinced that she's talking and will carry on little conversations with us - so adorable! she mostly talks to her toys - especially the ones with faces. even more cuteness :) she is starting to dance now when we play music and dance with her - she finds that great fun. she thinks yawning is the funniest thing ever - i dunno, never made me laugh, but it cracks her up. her best friend is still her parrot on her play saucer, whose head she chews on on a fairly regular basis...
on a not so happy note, i still haven't found the connecting cord for my camera yet, so... no pictures. at least from me - here's a couple cute ones from mom's camera :)
She's precious! Wish I could meet her!