Mar 27, 2011

Grates and Cookies

I know, great name for a blog post, right? :) Actually, they're just a few things that Aria has recently taken a liking to...

"Grates?" you ask? Yes. As in vent covers. So, small grates I guess. And specifically, the brass, shiny, decorative grate that Josh's aunt has in her living room. While we were there last night, it was probably Aria's favorite object in the place, and it kept her entertained for a solid 1/2 hour. She could only be deterred by the bright orange cups holding our Coke... but other than that, nothing could separate her from the shiny thing on the floor. I should have thought to take a picture, because her fascination was just too funny.

And as for cookies? Well, no, she's not eating chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin quite yet...but she has discovered teething cookies/biscuits and the amazing mess she can make with them. She left no part of her car seat uncovered in cookie crumbs on Friday afternoon when we gave her one to entertain her while we ate, nevermind the fact that it was imperative she get a bath when we got her home. It was in her toes, all over her arms and up her nose. Just watching her eat it like a Popsicle and then smear it all over her face was quite worth it though :) Anything to keep her happy during dinner time!

I still can't believe how big she's getting...she's crawling around even faster, is more adventurous, and is so much more communicative with us. She's still not quite saying words yet (other than baba) but it's usually pretty obvious what she wants or thinks about something. She's started "answering" when we ask her a question with an "aaar!" or "un!" and the proper corresponding facial expression.

Everyone has different "favorite phases" that their kids go far, this is my favorite :)

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