Oh dearest Aria....
It's been months since I've blogged. It started out as just one week, but then so many things happened I just got overwhelmed and kept putting it off and putting it off until... well, now it's been months. Since the last Time I blogged, you have learned to walk, you have gotten 7 new teeth, you have started talking and laughing, you respond to things we tell you to say or do and you eat just about everything we do now. So much time has passed, and there's so much to say. Where do I begin?
You're now almost 15 months old. I can't believe how fast this time has gone with you. You have developed the funniest of personalities and demonstrate that adorable sense of humor on an hourly basis. You giggle now when tickled (something I NEVER thought you'd do) and have that sassy "you can't make me!" look when we tell you to stop doing something. You can be quite the little booger!
Since you're down to only 1 (much too short!) nap a day, we spend a LOT of time together. You still love your books - something I hope you carry with you through life. You love to read to yourself, out loud to us and for us to read to you. You just LOVE turning pages! You also love your dollies. You've really developed that "nurturing instinct" already by "patting, kissing and rocking your babies" on command. You line them all up and kiss their heads. I just love it.
You also just love playing the piano. I recently moved around all the furniture, which enabled us to pull daddy's nice electric piano out of the closet and into the living room. You love sitting up on the bench all by yourself and banging away! You've also discovered how to start up rhythms and music on your own, and watching you "dance, dance!" on the bench while playing is just something I adore. I'm so glad to have caught it on camera a couple times!
I will try to be a better "journaler" for you on this blog, because there's so much I want to make sure I never forget about these months as they go by. They go by so fast.
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