Jan 28, 2012

It's all about the dance moves

As I've mentioned many times, Aria loves to dance with music. Any music. It could be the music she accidentally started while pushing buttons on our keyboard, or the 30-second clips of commercial music or even her Baby Einstein toy that plays Mozart; she doesn't care, she'll dance to it. Here's a video of her dancing with the theme music of one of our favorite shows - Gilmore Girls :) 

PS - Dancing is also a great way to start little kids into music - they learn a lot about rhythm and pulse when they're dancing! It's a great way to teach beginners or even to just do at home while you're waiting for them to become old enough for lessons. Dancing is usually one of the first signs of a musical child :) 

Jan 27, 2012

Pictures of Playtime

I've been meaning to get some pictures up of Aria during her new-found gym playtime, but didn't have the card reader to do so. Well, now I do and here they are :) Apologies for the poor quality - all the pictures were taken on my phone. Again, thanks to Buddy for this wonderful discovery, which has provided a lengthy nap time on Wednesday afternoons! :)

Playing in the foam pit -
her favorite
Going under the balance
beams seemed safer to her.

Sliding into the giant foam pit
Organizing  - her favorite -
the colorful cones
 Hopefully, I'll be able to get some pictures of her playing with her friends as well, but that would involve remembering my actual camera, and who knows if that will ever happen...

Jan 24, 2012

What's for dinner?

For a while, I had gotten into a really good groove of meal planning ahead of time, doing all the grocery shopping for the week's meals and cracking out some yummy food. And then Christmas happened. As wonderful a holiday as it is, it can really throw you off your schedule when it comes to routines around the house etc. We were eating leftovers, grabbing Wendy's on our way to here there and everywhere and pigging out at family Christmas parties. And then once the new year started, I didn't pick back up with things the way I should have. And then it got cold. Very, very cold. And I have zero motivation to leave my warm home when it's cold out. Thus, I kept pushing off grocery shopping.

But this weekend, we were getting desperate. We were down to just a few more salvageable meals from the stuff in my pantry and freezer, and I think Josh was getting tired of the whole "what's for dinner?" ... "I dunno, what's in the fridge" routine. So yesterday, I made my meal plan and today Aria and I forged out into the cold to go grocery shopping.

Now, I have healthy meals planned out for the rest of the week. Some meals I will make double of to freeze and use again next week. I also bought additional ingredients to use the meat in my fridge, which previously had no date to take to my dinner table. Tonight, we're just doing a staple around our house - spaghetti with meatballs, salad and french bread. Tuesdays are kinda nuts, since Josh doesn't get home till around 8. Easy is better on Tuesdays. Tomorrow will be chicken sausage and penne with sauteed veggies - one of Josh's personal favorites. Thursday is our lone "every man for himself" day, because that's the day I work, run Aria home to the babysitter, and then meet Josh for Bible study, which goes till 9:30. Friday will have yummy pork loin roasts with potatoes and veggies. Saturday is special this week, because we'll be in The City to celebrate a friend's birthday. And that's our week in a foodie nutshell.

Do you meal plan? How often do you go grocery shopping? What are your family's meal favorites? Is anybody out there interested in doing a "Family Favorites Recipe Swap" for a blog post?

Spaghetti with  meatballs is my ultimate comfort food.
It's also tonight's dinner :)

Jan 23, 2012

Productive Pinterest-ing

Yes, I know. It sounds like an oxymoron. Most of us feel we waste way too much time pinning and repinnning things on everyone's new favorite site. But I am determined to make some of this work for me and turn into productivity. In fact, it was one of the things I "resolved" to do this new year (we're not a big "resolutions" family, thus the quotation marks. To see my post on this, you can read here.) So, as a brave act of accountability, I'm posting some of the things I've actually done from Pinterest (not as many as I had hoped before I started this post, by the way) and then post some things that I want to do by the end of this year.

As some of my readers now know, we are looking for a new home to move into this spring. My hubby and I have been scouring the web for good prospects, pinching our pennies, and looking for ways to turn a house within our budget into a home we can call our own. This is where Pinterest and I have become buddies. And there are so many ideas I want to utilize to decorate, revamp and customize our new home to my liking.

So, starting out with the ideas I have used as inspiration already...

I have started using these utility totes (available
though my Thirty-one website) to organize my
pantry, and I'm proud to say, it's getting there.
Note: this is not my pantry.
No Source Provided
This caramel idea is for real. And it's
truly delicious. Sweetened condensed
milk put in a crock pot with water for 8
hours. Refrigerate. Yum.
No Source Provided
I really did paint my knife block (although,
again, this isn't my picture.) It's simply
awaiting it's monogram now.

I used this idea for dinner once, and made
egg, sausage and cheese biscuits. The
lovely thing is that they go in for the same
temp and time as the biscuits, so you really
can have dinner done in 15 mins.
I want this on Aria's wall .
There are plenty of other ideas I have put into use. For example, using a business card to reflect the light of your flash for better pictures, using a mason jar as a blender carafe (due to an unfortunate accident, I no longer have the original carafe, so this was genius.) I have also utilized an old skirt hanger (of which there are an over abundance of in my closet) as chip clips. I also purchased many over-sized ornaments on clearance this year after Christmas to decorate with next year. See? You really can get Pinterest to do some good things in your life :)

Now, for the ideas I have on my list to do this year. I will most definitely not be including in this post every single idea, recipe and shortcut I plan on attempting this year, as that would require a book, but there are several ideas that I really hope work out, and I have every intent of blogging about when they do become a reality. Also, many of my pins are for inspiration when we move and I get to re-decorate Aria's room. Not that I don't love her current room; she's just quickly growing out of that "nursery" stage and into the "little girl" stage, so I can't wait to give her a little girl room to match her adorable personality.
I have every intention of at least
trying to get a crayon art project
to work in Aria's room. I've seen so
many variations, and this may be
my favorite. Although the "rain"
variation is a close second.
I have already started collecting
bottles of various sizes to do
something like this with. I would love
to put an installation like this in my
windows or on a shelf.
Source - 

I already have the vases, now I just
need to buy the string to wrap them with.
And someplace to put them
when finished :)
Ok, when I looked this up, it was way easier
than I originally thought.
Definitely doing this for our living room.
Source added note: this blog is EXCELLENT
for those who like to decorate on a budget.
I just spent an hour reading
through her old posts.
To see more of the projects I really want to get done this year, you can find my board by clicking here. I would love to have you follow me, and I'll follow you back, so that we can inspire one another with more time and money saving ideas :)

What ideas are you wanting to try out on Pinterest? Which ones have you already tried? Did they work or were they duds? I'd love to hear your experiences!

Jan 21, 2012

Watching her sleep...

No matter how defiant, stubborn, deviant or  irritating your child has been that day, there's no replacement for the innocence they exude when they sleep. Aria hasn't been especially any of those things today, or even at all for quite a long time, but even the little annoyances can wear on your after a while. The sticking-both-hands-in-her-mouth-while-eating annoyance, the emptying-of-my-drawers irritation or simply the I'm-not-happy-right-now-so-I'm-constantly-whining frustration can make an entire day seem cruddy. But nap time, oh blissful nap time. When it comes, I just love to sneak in Aria's room and watch her precious little angel face unconsciously kissing her pacifier and her little hands wrapped around her poor, faded blanket. Her gorgeous long eyelashes brushing her chubby little cheeks and her baby hairs swirling around her forehead.

 And it makes me thankful. 

My two babies sleeping

These are the days...

It's been an interesting week with Aria. We've kind of (finally!) started getting into a routine with things throughout the week. Monday, we recoup from the weekend, Tuesday is food prep/grocery shopping day, Wednesday is play day for Aria and I clean the house while she's napping (and later practicing and choir for me while she stays home with Josh,) Thursday is now the day that I teach and we have Bible study, so it's a mad dash everywhere that day and Friday is definitely a bum around day in an attempt to bring the weekend here faster :) It's kinda of nice to have fallen into a somewhat predictable, but still flexible, schedule. It's easier to plan things and get motivated to do what needs to be done.

This week has shown me once again how very fast Aria is growing up, whether it's her new-found love of playing with other kids (thank goodness!) or the slight improvement we're noticing in her verbal skills. I love walking by her door in the morning or as she's waking up and hearing her sing to herself. I love even more when I walk into her room during playtime and seeing her rock and sing to her babies. It just makes my heart smile. I adore watching her play with her new kitchen with its pots and pans - whether she's stirring up some eggs or pouring drinks for everyone, it's so cute to see her really into playing.

Aria also staged her very first "nudey protest" this week.... yep, you read that right. We have a rule that she has to stay in bed for a few minutes after she wakes up to comfort herself and make herself happy before I come in and get her up in the morning. Apparently, on Thursday, she was not down with that routine anymore. When I walked in, she was completely stripped - diaper and all! - and screaming in her crib. I have no idea how long she'd been like that, but it must have been some time because not only was she absolutely freezing cold (it was 8 degrees that morning!) but the whole crib was wet. It was a lovely way to start my morning. Now I'm afraid to leave her in her crib any amount of time at all, because I don't want to relive that experience... we only have so many mattress covers for her. Did your kids every strip down like that? (Mom, for the sake of one of the boy's (who will remain unnamed) ego, please don't answer that question.)

We're trying to get into the routine of cleaning up toys before bed times with Aria, but so far have been unsuccessful. Maybe she's still too young? It's not that she doesn't like picking up the toys and depositing them in a box - she loves that. She just enjoys promptly removing the toy from said box, and placing it in another box, or on the ground, or in a drawer, or in a purse or... well, you get the picture. She's only 18 months, though - am I expecting too much for her age?

Anyways, those are some of the things that happened at our house this week. Today, I'll be (hopefully) reorganizing the desk area. We finished out taxes last night (hooray!) so it looks like a bomb went off in this area. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Jan 18, 2012

Making New Friends

One of the things I struggle with raising an only child is whether or not she's being "socialized" enough. I fear she's not interacting with other kids on a frequent enough basis, and usually when she is with other kids, I can't watch her to see how she's acting around them (church nursery etc.) I've wanted to do more playdates with younger kids and their moms, (because let's face it, we all need some socialization, too!) but until recently, I didn't really have any friends with kids.

The past couple months, I have made several new friends, and the majority of them have kids or will have them shortly! This is a wonderful new development for not only me as a mom, but for Aria as well. She finally has people to play with! I mentioned last week how we have started on Wednesdays going to a local gymnastics studio for play time and lunch, and it's been really nice the couple times we've gone. While Aria still prefers playing and running around by herself, she is definitely showing improvement in the tolerance-of-other-kids-in-her-personal-space issue she's had since birth. In fact, she's even given one little boy (her #1 admirer, at that) a hug twice now.

We're also still working on the "share" issue. It was one of the first words we taught her, and she does really well with "sharing daddy's phone" with him or "sharing the piece of trash on the ground" with the trash can etc. We had just never been able to put it into practice with other kids and toys. But today, she shared. A toy. With another child. I was so proud. :) I will say, she was not thrilled to give up one of her bright yellow balls to this new kid, but she did. And I was beaming with pride.

Hopefully, Aria won't be an only child forever. Unless your child is a twin, they've also been an only child at one time. How did you teach them how to share with others? Did you do organized play dates as well? Do they have cousins close to their age to play with (a luxury Aria will never have, I'm afraid)? I would love to hear your ideas and solutions!

Jan 17, 2012

Giveaway Winners!

As promised, it is now Tuesday afternoon, and here is the list of winners from last week's giveaway event! Thank you all for participating! I would also really appreciate if you would give some love to the sponsors from last week, and visit their Facebook pages (those who have a fan page, I posted the links for.) They all donated these wonderful prize packages out of the goodness of their hearts. You can also find all their names and websites under the "People I Recommend" tab. I know each and every one of them would appreciate any and all new customers :)

Now *drum roll, please* for the list of winners! If your name is listed below, I will  contact you with the information you have given me (email address, blog address etc.) All winners have until this Friday to contact me with your full name and address, so that the sponsor will be able to send you your prize.

Day 1: Pampered Chef - Meredith Dew
Day 2: Mary Kay - Charise Guidinger
Day 3: Scentsy - fuzzeeslippers (I do not have any contact information from you - please contact me via email or FB.) 
Day 4: Avon - Missy Douthit
Day 5: Simply Said Designs - Kelly Tillotson
Day 6: Dove Chocolate - Lindsay Zimmer

Again, congratulations to all the winners, and thanks again for being a part of this week! I would love to have you come back and visit again, as Adventure's with Aria gets back to it's regularly scheduled programming :) 

Jan 14, 2012

Bonus Giveaway!

Yes, I know, I know. After all the giveaways this week, a bonus is just - well, Bonus! Some of you have already read the rules for the bonus giveaway, but for those of you who just joined us this week, here's how to enter: For every friend you recommend to my Facebook page or to follow my blog, you get an entry. Everyone who has begun following me on the blog or has liked my Facebook page since last Friday is also entered.

If you were recommended to this blog (or the FB page) by someone other than me, please leave a comment on this blog post or write on the page wall who sent you, so they can get their entry! I've made it super easy to find the Facebook page by putting a "Like" button over in the left hand column << that way. Just click the button, it's that simple :)

The winner of this drawing will also be announced on Tuesday afternoon with the rest of the winners.
 The lovely donation was from my friend Missy over at Missy's Musings. She makes lovely little girl things, and sells some beautiful hats and accessories for both mommy and daughter alike! 
[It'd be really nice of everyone to go over to her Facebook page and share some love ;) ] She has donated this adorable "Mommy and Me" set of leggings that I just adore.

Good luck to all of you who entered giveaways this week! Stay tuned on Tuesday for the winners to be announced, and come back again on Wednesday for the resuming of Aria's Adventures :)

Giveaway Week Day 6: Dove Chocolate

Ok, if you're anything like me, nothing says "mom's day off" or "pampering" like chocolate. And let me tell ya, Dove Chocolate Discoveries makes some pretty mean chocolate. I mean, we've all known that you can pick up a good bag of Dove chocolate at your local grocers, but did you know they have a wonderful direct sales department? I mean, the most gorgeous and yummy chocolates, scrumptious drink mixes and delicious cookie mixes.

Our sweet sponsor today is Jessica Sargent. You can visit her website by clicking here and check out her Facebook page  by clicking here. She uses her business to support the Wounded Warrior Fund; here's the rest of her story: I started selling Dove Chocolate because it is a product I believe in . 
I love chocolate and I love to explore the different things you can do and make with chocolate. In particular, I've become quite fond of candy-making. I also think chocolate makes great gifts and is always fun to share!

Jessica is giving away an amazing giveaway package: a gingerbread cookie mix, and a sampler pack of their drink mixes including chai, peanut butter smoothie and a daiquiri mix!

To be entered to win this awesome set, leave a comment below with your favorite sweet treat - are you a chocoholic like me, or do you prefer fruity flavors? Maybe you can't pass up a good molasses cookie, or you have to have some peanut butter with that banana. Share below and we can all drool together. (I know, I know, how cruel is this as everyone is trying so hard to stick to your New Year's resolutions? Hehehe....)

Jan 13, 2012

Places to play, Toys to Scatter

Due to the daily posts for the Giveaway Week, Aria's aspect of the blog has been slightly neglected. I thought I'd give a little update on what we've been up to recently. Since Christmas, Aria has been in a world of discovery with all sorts of new toys. Between a 75 piece block set, 2 tea sets (complete with silverware and plate sets,) all the food that came with her kitchen and other miscellaneous many-parted toys, our living room floor has seen better days. But Aria is just in heaven. So many little pieces to organize and rearrange - she may never leave the living room again. This morning, she's been stacking pots and pans, stirring up some "scrambled eggs" and dumping/refilling the blocks container all over the floor. I'm quite sure all this play - while bothersome for me - is quite educational for her, so I've let her have her way with my living room.

We also discovered a new weekly activity for Aria this week. 
Under the balance beam is just
fine for right now, thank you.
A friend introduced me to an "open gym" playtime for pre-schoolers at the local Gymnastics Studio. The kids play for an hour and then get a McDonald's lunch. This was perfect timing for Aria: the hour of constant play, running around, climbing over and under balance beams and wading through "the Foam Pit" completely wore her out. 
Crawling through "the Foam Pit"
After downing a couple chicken nuggets, she settled in for an almost 4-hour nap. We will be doing this every week, and Wednesdays have officially become my new cleaning day. I'm really glad that she's finally getting to the age where she can enjoy some of these semi-organized play dates; being an only child can be lonely for an active, social kid like her, at least I would assume. I don't really remember much from my days as a toddler.

What are some fun activities that you like to do with your kids outside the home? Do they participate in organized sports or just planned play dates? How often do you do these with your kids? 

Giveaway Week Day 5: Simply Said Designs

Simply Said Designs is a relative newcomer to the direct sales world, but definitely not one to be overlooked. Their products are designed to inspire and create beautiful and personal spaces in your home. The vinyl wall designs are unique and will make your home feel more personal to you and your family. There are designs for everything from bedrooms to wedding designs, kitchens to scrapbooks. I especially love the clock designs.

Our sponsor today is Charity Guidinger and you can find her personal site by clicking here. She also has a Facebook page that you can go "like" by clicking here.  She is donating another one of my favorite ideas from Simply Said - a 'My Address' mailbox design (size A.)
The winner of the design will be able to choose from 10 different 'My Address' designs listed on pages 90-91 of the Simply Said catalog. You can customize this design with your name and address. (Click here to see the catalog.)

Here's Charity's story:
I am the type of person that avoids Pampered Chef and Mary Kay type parties like they are the plague. I never like to feel pressured by salesmen. So, whenever I was invited to a Simply Said party I found some excuse not to go. My sister decided to go anyways, and she brought back a Simply Said catalog. I began just casually flipping through the catalog, and I got really caught up in the designs. I asked my sister how the party went, and she said that it was really fun and laid back. She said they played a game and ate banana splits. She also talked about how the Simply Said rep messed up during her presentation, but it was no big deal and everyone loved the products anyways. The wheels in my head began turning. I had been looking for a part-time job that paid decently AND that I could work around my full-time job. So, naturally, the idea of setting my own schedule had a big appeal. I prayed about it and sought the counsel of my parents and boyfriend, and then I jumped in. It has been a joy all the way. It's very easy to get started, and I love getting to schedule my own hours!

For today's giveaway, please leave your favorite quote or saying in the comments below (it's not cheating if you Google one!) :) It can be funny or serious, good advice or something to take with a grain of salt. Whatever saying that has gotten you through rough times or helped make you who you are today. We'd love to hear it!

Reminder: For those who hadn't joined us yet when I posted the rules, you much be either a follower of the blog or "Like" the Facebook page to qualify for a prize. You can "Like" the FB page by clicking the button over on the left << or you can view the page by clicking here.

Jan 12, 2012

Giveaway Week Day 4: Avon

Today's sponsor works for one of the oldest and best known direct sales companies in the US (and possibly the world.)  Avon calls themselves "the company that puts mascara on lashes and food on tables; that fights wrinkles with one hand and Breast Cancer with the other." The have been providing jobs and make-up for women of the world for 125 years now. Misty is one of those women. You can check out her website by clicking here, and during this giveaway, if you enter the code FIRSTREP, you can get free shipping on your order!

Here's Misty's story: I started selling Avon because they have been in business for so long, 125 years, and my friends were asking me if I sold.....since I was a direct sales junkie!
Now, Avon is my sole income and allows me to be home with my two precious children. I have a team of over 20 girls and growing.
Last year, Avon bonuses paid for our family vacation that we were able to take for the first time in several years! With their 100% satisfaction guarantee, I love being able to service my customers no matter what their need is!

Misty has generously donated a Footworks set with an inflatable tub that can be stored. Watermelon scented exfoliator, lotion, and cooling spray, and ruby slipper nail wear. You'll feel fully pampered after winning and putting this set to good use!

Since this week is all about giving moms the day off and pampering them, I want you to have to pamper yourself a little bit for today's contest. In the comments below, leave your favorite part about YOU - do you have great eye-lashes or nice skin? Maybe you love your lips or your fabulous hair? 
Tell us in the comments so we can all celebrate our bodies together!

Jan 11, 2012

Giveaway Week Day 3: Scentsy

Today's featured sponsor is a dear friend of mine who sells one of my favorite products out there. Scentsy is a great company that sells "wickless candles." Basically, they're warmers that melt scented wax, thus creating a lovely scent in your home. What's so great about the wax is that it melts at about 100 degrees, so it doesn't burn your (or your toddlers!) skin if it accidentally spills. There are so many scents available, there's something for everyone and there are so many beautiful warmers out there, they fit in with any room decor.

Ok, so enough about the product. Our wonderful sponsor today is Missy Douthit.
You can browse more Scentsy products by clicking here or email her for more info at stepgirl@cox.net. Her Facebook page is a great way to keep up with current specials etc. and you can find that by clicking here.

Here's her story:  I started selling Scentsy after I tried it when my daughter was 10months old. I fell in love with the product since it was safe for my toddler, cheap compared to candles, and smelled AMAZING!!! My husband had been unemployed from June 2009 (2 weeks after we found out we were pregnant) to Sept 2010. I started selling Scentsy as a way to help my family financially and help get us out of the debt that unemployment put us in. 
I love working for a company that I believe in and love.

Missy is donating a bit of a sampler pack: a Scent Tin, Scent Circle and a Scent bar in either Sticky Cinnamon Bun or Clean Breeze. You'll also receive a discount on any product you want to order from her. This is an ideal prize for someone who wants to try out Scentsy but doesn't know where to start!
My favorite Scentsy scent: Mediterranean Spa.
This scent is always in my bedroom warmer.

To enter today's contest, simply leave a comment below telling me what your favorite scent is. I love the smell of autumn right when the leaves start to fall, the smell of buttery rolls in the oven and the scent of Aria's hair immediately post-bath - I just love that baby smell!

Jan 10, 2012

Giveaway Week Day 2: Mary Kay

Today's giveaway is going to be a truly pampering experience for the lady who wins this! It's sponsored by the lovely Kristen Lila representing Mary Kay. You can check out her site by clicking here and her Facebook page by clicking here! 

Here's her story: 
I chose Mary Kay because I was extremely impressed with the products, and since I had a problem with really bad skin and had tried EVERYTHING (literally) and Mary Kay was the first thing that actually worked I knew I believed in the prodcuts. Besides having amazing prodcuts, the company is an AMAZING opportunity for women to provide choices for their familes. I make good money doing what I love to do, helping women feel great about themselves and at a pricepoint that works for them.
I started just after my husband and I got married, knowing when we had children I didn't want to have them in daycare and someone else raising them. This opportunity will allow me to be home with our baby (due this summer) and still be providing our family an income with amazing flexibility. I am SO grateful for this company and work at home mom opportunity I have been given.

Today's giveaways package will include a 
pedicure set (complete with pumice stone, soothing foot soak, and healing/moisturzing foot cream) as well as a new nail color and filing set to pamper those tootsies when you're done! 
You can choose between these 2
for your free nail color if you
win this package! 

Also, thanks to Kristen this week only, any and all readers can take 30% off their order! You'll need to shop via her site and contact her for details.

Here's what you need to do for today's contest: we all know and love Mary Kay for their gorgeous eye shadows and easy to use "look book." I love the personal service you get and all the options they give you when choosing a face wash, foundation or nail color, but what is your must-have make-up item? Gotta have your black mascara or just a great moisturizer that you just can't live without? Tell us about it!

Jan 9, 2012

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

This song has been on my mind since it was released a couple months ago. I have never heard a song that more aptly describes and diagnoses the problem with modern Christianity - we have lost the love that Jesus had for the world He came to die for. Our little bubbles of Christianity at church, school and online have made us forget that Jesus came because we are all sinners, guilty of death; that every single one of us is as bad as the next. Yet despite our horrible condition and disgusting rejection of God's grace, He still loved us enough to die. This Love calls for our Love in return, not our rules or our fear. No relationship can be based on fear and rules; a true, real and healthy relationship with anyone - husband, children, friend and esp. God - must be built on love and trust.

I hope this song is as great of an encouragement and yet rebuke to you as it has been to me.

Jesus, Friend of sinners, we have strayed so far away
We cut down people in your name, but the sword was never ours toswing.Jesus, friend of sinners, the truth's become so hard to see;The world is on their way to You, but they're tripping over me.Always looking around but never looking up, I'm so double minded.A plank eyed saint with dirty hands and a heart divided.
Oh, Jesus, friend of sinners,Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers.Let our hearts be led by mercy,Help us reach with open hearts and open doors.Oh, Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks Yours.
Jesus, friend of sinners, the One whose writing in the sandMakes the righteous turn away and the stones fall from their hands.Help us to remember we are all the least of thieves;Let the memory of Your mercy bring your people to their knees.
Nobody knows what we're for only what we're against when wejudge the wounded.What if we put down our signs crossed over the lines and loved likeYou did?

Oh, Jesus, friend of sinners,Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers.Let our hearts be led by mercy,Help us reach with open hearts and open doors.Oh, Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks Yours.
You love every lost cause; you reach for the outcast,For the leper and the lame; they're the reason that You came.Lord, I was that lost cause, and I was the outcast,But You died for sinners just like me, a grateful leper at Your feet.
'Cause You are good, You are good And Your love endures foreverYou are good, You are good, and Your love endures forever.You are good, You are good, and Your love endures forever.You are good, You are good, and Your love endures forever.

Giveaway Week Day 1: Pampered Chef

We're going to start this giveaway week off with a bang! Pampered Chef is one of the most popular and loved direct sales companies out there because of the fun and tasty party options and dream-tastic kitchen items. Our wonderful sponsor today is Deanna Sweidel.

Here's her story: "I sold Pampered Chef when my boys were little. It allowed me to stay home with them. But, after a divorce, I stopped. I really had regret from walking away. 7 years later, I am back to it. I loved it THAT much! It allows me to provide income for my family while never missing anything they do. It has taught my kids how to cook and eating healthier."

She's currently hosting an online show that will allow you to earn hostess rewards for just collecting orders from a couple friends. You can find more info by clicking here. Her site is www.pamperedchef.biz/dms and you can email her at dsweidel@gmail.com for more details about Pampered Chef and her products.

Now, for what you've all been waiting for... THE GIVEAWAY!
We're giving away a scrumptious set of chocolate sauces including a Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Carmel and Chocolate Mint. All you have to do to be entered for this fantastic set is leave a comment below with your favorite ice cream topping! PS - Mine is either caramel or a crunchy toffee topping!

This giveaway will close Monday the 16th at midnight and a winner will be chosen and announced on Tuesday the 17th at noon. All entries must be on the blog, and not on the Facebook page.

Jan 6, 2012

Combating the Post-Christmas Crazies

You know the feeling - there's toys everywhere, random leftovers in your refrigerator that don't smell quite right anymore, and those tiny bits of glitter from cards, gift wrapping and ornaments are just finding their way into every crack and crevasse of your home. You may still feel the guilty bloat of one too many chocolate-covered-whatchajiggies or just the exhaustion of an over-active vacation. Oh yeah, I get it. As you've read, our family was everywhere for the Christmas season, and spread the joy of sickness everywhere we went. I'm also dealing with the overabundance of stuffed animals and other homeless toys in the living room, the kitchen, out bedroom and the bath tub. Yes, the bathub; don't ask.

While I have gotten almost all of our Christmas decorations put away (except for the stockings, which I totally forgot about and are still hanging on the bookcases precariously) and most of the remaining tree debris vacuumed up, I still feel a little overwhelmed at everything that must be done to put the apartment back together. I'm in denial about the fact that some of Aria's stuffed animals need to go, or they will begin to take over the world. I'm much too sentimental to get rid of these things, but I must. Just not right now.

For those with older kids, how do you start the post-holiday de-clutter? Do you have them help? Or do you secretly remove things while they're away in school? Do you donate your stuff, and if so, to who? Or do you simply hide it and "rotate" through their toys?

Aria's young enough that she won't really realize some of her stuffed animals are missing, and even if she does 4.5 seconds later she'll be distracted by a toy she forgot she had. I just dread that she'll get as attached to the many toys that circulate through our house and I do her adorable little clothes... 

Giveaway Schedule of Events

Since the Giveaway is starting in just a few days, I thought I  would post a schedule of the giveaways and their sponsors so you can be sure to be around for the contests you want to enter!

The Bonus Giveaway has now begun - you may earn entries today through Monday the 16th. Again, please be sure that those you recommend let me know that you sent them, otherwise I will have no way to keep track of your entries. The prize for the Bonus Giveaway is actually a "Mommy and Me" prize - 2 adorable sets of legwarmers for both mother and daughter, generously donated by Missy over at Missy's Musings. Be sure to check out her stuff - adorable hats for kids (and grown ups!), beautiful bows and more cute legwarmers! 

Legwarmer set that will be given away for the Bonus Giveaway

Jan 4, 2012

Mommy's Day Off Giveaway Week!!

Yep, you read right - a whole week! Starting this coming Monday the 9th, I will be featuring one vendor per day and the company they represent. There will be fun comment contests to get everyone involved and - of course - great prizes! Vendors that have agreed to participate will represent Pampered Chef, Avon, Mary Kay, Scentsy, Dove Chocolate and Simply Said.

The Fine Print:
The giveaways will be new every day Monday - Saturday. All contests will close the following Monday the 16th and winners will be announced for all the giveaways on Tuesday afternoon the 17th. 
There will also be a Bonus giveaway that starts on Monday and will be announced with the rest of the winners on the 17th. Every person who "follows" this blog, "likes" it on FB and recommends friends will receive entries into the bonus giveaway. You will receive one entry per referral, plus one for yourself. This will be at least one easy entry, because you need to either "like" or "follow" me either place to enter the contests. To make this easier for everyone, there's a "Like" button in the left hand column that links to my Facebook page. See? Easy peasy! 

Every day, at the end of each company write up, there will be a simple question to answer in the comment section. To make this easier, I have for this week, deactivated security code requirements and the need for any kind of user name from elsewhere on the internet. That means anyone can enter! See how easy I've made this! ;)


When you enter each contest, include your name and email address so that I can get in touch with you if you win. Winners who do not reply by Friday the 20th will forfeit their prize and I will choose another winner. 
Each contest will be posted approximately at 1:00pm each day (during Aria's naptime ;) ) and will remain open until the following Monday at midnight. 

Invite all your friends and we'll make it a party :) 

My Blog Roll: Stuff I like to Read

There are a LOT of great blogs out there for women in general for just about any topic imaginable. I really enjoy searching out fun and interesting new blogs to read up on to get creative ideas for organizing and repurposing, strategic ways of dealing with Aria's latest outburst or just an encouraging read to make a somewhat crummy day a little better. Here are a few of the blogs I keep up with.

Smile is a Choice by Rebekah Johnson is always a great read. It's a little bit of everything, but mostly a positive outlook on everything from losing her hubby's wedding ring to her New Year's theme. 

Donya Dunlap is a single Christian woman who writes about finding your identity in Christ and cultivating a beautiful relationship with Him. Always Jesus-focused and fantastic writing. Her new book is coming out soon, and you can check out the details on it there. 

Prudent Baby is THE #1 stop for DIY moms. I love going there to browse around at all their great creative ideas for decorating, organizing and repurposing. Always something interesting going on there. 

Modge Podge Rocks  is exactly what it sounds like: an entire blog dedicated to the many wonderful uses of modge podge. She includes simple break-downs of all of her crafts and encourages you to try things out on your own. Lots of great ideas here.

HE{ART} Journaling is written be a personal friend of mine who is a very creative pastor's wife. She shares great decor ideas, some homeschooling tips and great devotionals. Love her and her blog. Bonus: check out her great Etsy site as well - some fun handmade gifts for everyone :)

Purposeful Homemaking  is one of the first blogs I started following regularly after starting my own, and it's a really fabulous resource. Homeschooling, going all-natural, organic eating, creative learning and playtime activities - Becky's got it all. She also has frequent giveaways that are always fun to take part in. 

Just a Glimpse - the Life and Times of the 5 McCoy's  is a blog by a mom who's just trying to keep it real. She's refreshingly honest about her own struggles and takes you on a journey with her through parenting. She's also a personal friend of mine, and it's been great to get to know her in and out of the blogosphere :)

I'm sure I missed some, but those are my most frequently read blogs, and I enjoy all of them with their different perspectives and outlooks. One thing I've really enjoyed about the trend of "MomBlogs" is that there are so many ideas and world views out there, it challenges you to broaden your horizons and get more creative. The blogging community is also great if you're a SAHM who gets lonely/bored staying home all the time. There are a ton of ladies who are going through the same thing you are, and they can be a huge encouragement to you as you go through mommyhood.

What are some of your favorite blogs and why?

Jan 3, 2012

What's your word?

This year and henceforth forever more, or at least as long as I remember, I'm hoping to have a "Word of the Year." I've been encouraged by many moms and wives in this area since the beginning of December and I think it's a great way to get your family all going in the same direction, heading toward a common goal together.

This year, I want our family to focus on LOVE. I know it seems kinda basic, but that's the point. The basis of family relationships - all relationships, really - is Love. Our relationship with God, our kids, spouses, parents and even those we don't know. It's rooted in Love, and not just a Love for that person. Many times, our actions need to be rooted in Love for Jesus, because we don't always feel like loving people. (I mean, I don't. I hope I'm not the only one who feels that way.) Jesus said that when we so much as give a glass of water in His name, we're doing it to and for Him. We may not feel like volunteering, getting up in the middle of the night with the kid or folding up another load of laundry. In fact, I usually don't. But it's our Love for both the people in our lives and the Person who gave us our life that motivates all action.

Do you have a theme for this year? Is there a common goal you want your family to work toward? Share it here and we can work at it together!