Jan 6, 2012

Combating the Post-Christmas Crazies

You know the feeling - there's toys everywhere, random leftovers in your refrigerator that don't smell quite right anymore, and those tiny bits of glitter from cards, gift wrapping and ornaments are just finding their way into every crack and crevasse of your home. You may still feel the guilty bloat of one too many chocolate-covered-whatchajiggies or just the exhaustion of an over-active vacation. Oh yeah, I get it. As you've read, our family was everywhere for the Christmas season, and spread the joy of sickness everywhere we went. I'm also dealing with the overabundance of stuffed animals and other homeless toys in the living room, the kitchen, out bedroom and the bath tub. Yes, the bathub; don't ask.

While I have gotten almost all of our Christmas decorations put away (except for the stockings, which I totally forgot about and are still hanging on the bookcases precariously) and most of the remaining tree debris vacuumed up, I still feel a little overwhelmed at everything that must be done to put the apartment back together. I'm in denial about the fact that some of Aria's stuffed animals need to go, or they will begin to take over the world. I'm much too sentimental to get rid of these things, but I must. Just not right now.

For those with older kids, how do you start the post-holiday de-clutter? Do you have them help? Or do you secretly remove things while they're away in school? Do you donate your stuff, and if so, to who? Or do you simply hide it and "rotate" through their toys?

Aria's young enough that she won't really realize some of her stuffed animals are missing, and even if she does 4.5 seconds later she'll be distracted by a toy she forgot she had. I just dread that she'll get as attached to the many toys that circulate through our house and I do her adorable little clothes... 


  1. I totally understand what you mean. I am glad to finally have all of the Christmas stuff put away. However, I keep finding things here and there like you said. As for de-cluttering and simplifying, I think you need to pare down as best as you can. I take my stuff to Goodwill or to those drop off bins for Salvation Army. I recently talked my daughter into giving over half of her stuffed animals away to our church kids during Christmas. They were all like new - most with tags 'cause they were just on display. Animal shelters often take stuffed animals and blankets for the animals there. You could maybe talk to her about "sharing" with someone/something that doesn't have much? If not - just do it and mums the word. ;)

  2. Oh, sheesh, I totally hear ya! I'm in the mood to just donate things. I usually donate to the rescue mission. And right now, I have a ton of clothes for me that I need gone. Some of them are 'professional' type of clothes ~ suits, nice blouses, shoes ~ and I am looking for a charity that works with underpriveledged women to help them get jobs and provides clothing for that cause.
    My boys just help me get rid of stuff ~ to teach them about giving to others!


Please feel free to leave your input and experiences!