Jun 28, 2012

That's what she said

Aria's really starting to say a lot of funny things right now in her efforts to become more communicative with human-kind. Of course, as her mom, I think everything she says is adorable, but some of them I really didn't want to forget, so I'm writing them down now.

She's starting her counting and ABC's, but can't really get them in the right order. Counting normally goes like "2, 9, 3, 9, 9!" and her ABC's always end with D.

Her favorite foods right now are fruits, especially "boo-berries" and "matter-melon" although "ta-ta's" are a close second.... don't know what a ta-ta is? That's ok - it took us a couple of weeks. It's a strawberry, and no, we have no idea why she calls them that.
Learning to eat with a spoon
all by herself

She now very clearly says "tank you" and - my favorite - "bwess you," but only says "welcome" if you remind her. She'll say "pwees" all day long if it gets her food, which it usually does. You just can't resist those big eyes and adorable little mouth as she points at your food and says, "mommy, pwees?" It's too cute.

She still loves Elmo, although she's starting to learn the rest of the Sesame Street muppets and is falling in love with every single one of them. Current favorites are Burt and Ernie and Abbie, the fairy, although Cookie Monster held a special place in her heart for a long time. I think it's because they shared a common interest.
She now also loves cartoons with "mong-eeeees" (monkeys) in them, specifically Curious George.
She's going through another "bookie" phase where she wants to read a couple books every time she goes down or wakes up from a nap. I don't at all mind this, but one can only read "Go, Dog, Go" so many times.

Swimming all by herself on
family vacation.
Her new favorite summertime pastime is swimming, hands down. She gets incredibly excited whenever you start talking about "the cool" or pulling out towels and bathing suits. She's actually quite good at it, and is completely fearless in the water.

She still doesn't have a huge interest in dolls, but her love of shoes far and above makes up for it. It dosn't matter if they're infant sized booties, Uncle Zak's work shoes or anything in between, she wants to wear them and walk around the house. Her shoes, though? Well, she'll take those off first chance she gets...

I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 2 in less than a month. It's crazy how time flies. 

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