ok, so once again a confusing title, but if you read last Thursday's post you'll understand. so if you haven't go on, go read it. i'll wait here for you. ready? ok. well, we successfully took Aria up to her Grandpa and Mimi's house to make Christmas cookies and visit Santa. While the Christmas cookies attempt could have gone better (i forgot her swing which was a major fail in the "keeping Aria entertained" department) we did end up with some yummy goodies and still time for me and my mom to have some "girl time" while my dad watched Aria until Josh got up there later that night. the real adventure was the next day...
we left around 11:30 for Bronner's CHRISTmas wonderland :) - a Christmas tradition that has been in existence since... i was born, i think. we were kinda worried about how Aria would do because, as you know, she's a tad high maintenance, and we never know what kind of mood she's going to be in. but i never should have doubted - as soon as we pulled her out of her strolled in Bronner's she was in ADD-baby heaven...the lights, the moving toys, all the people - it couldn't have been any better! she was squealing and laughing and waving her arms - cutest thing i've ever seen. and i'm pretty sure she was happier than Santa himself, who looked like he desperately needed a nap, and she still had 5 hours of little ones lol. you can observe his oh-so-excited face in the picture with the post... Aria, on the other hand, thought it was the coolest thing and was ever-so-happy until the moment we left, when she fell promptly asleep after her adventure with Santa.
later, we went to Tony's off 75...if you haven't been and you're anywhere near the Michigan vicinity, you need to go. order the BLT or the club sandwich and you'll understand how this little "hole-in-the-wall" place got so incredibly famous... but that's another story that has nothing to do with Aria...
all in all, it was a very successful weekend with a very happy baby and some very cute pictures :)
have a happy monday.
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