Grandpa with his oldest son - my uncle Allen - his last Christmas |
Grandpa with my mom Christmas '08 |
today is my grandpa's first anniversary of being in Heaven. i'm sure he's enjoying himself most thoroughly - singing with angels and visiting with his parents and sister again. but we miss him. a lot. unfortunately, grandpa never got to meet Aria. and would he ever have loved her. he only had 2 sons and i was 1 of 7 grandkids - the rest were all boys. grandpa loved his girls - his daughters in law and me of course :) today i was thinking of all the things he used to do with me... strolling me around the mall to "polish walking music," letting me play with his hair and stick it straight up on end, singing me ridiculous songs that were only funny because it was grandpa singing them, trying to teach me the rubix cube - which never came to fruition - and how much he would have enjoyed doing these things with Aria - if she had the attention to do them lol. i miss him everyday, and will always tell Aria about her amazing great-grandpa halleck who's watching her from Heaven.
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