As most of my "regular readers" out there know, I'm really not a big cook. I love food and trying new things, but I'm just not blessed with the talent that my mom has for baking, cooking, canning and all sorts of other food-making verbs. I have a few basic meals I stick with, and because my hubby is wonderful, he doesn't mind the same 10 meals or so.
One of my favorite things to do for dinner is to pop a pork tenderloin in the crockpot with whatever else suits my fancy. I've never really used a recipe, and sometimes that is very apparent. Well, yesterday, I decided to use a Pinterest recipe (more like a concept lol) with my pork tenderloin, and it turned out so good, I had to tell you all about it. I actually ended up using 2 crock pots, because I didn't want my carrots to have the same flavors I was using for the tenderloin. I'll post both "recipes."
My Best-Ever Pork Tenderloin
Any size pork tenderloin - I bought a big one this last time, so I could freeze the rest for meals after the baby comes. I've also used smaller ones that are one-mealers.
One of my favorite things to do for dinner is to pop a pork tenderloin in the crockpot with whatever else suits my fancy. I've never really used a recipe, and sometimes that is very apparent. Well, yesterday, I decided to use a Pinterest recipe (more like a concept lol) with my pork tenderloin, and it turned out so good, I had to tell you all about it. I actually ended up using 2 crock pots, because I didn't want my carrots to have the same flavors I was using for the tenderloin. I'll post both "recipes."
My Best-Ever Pork Tenderloin
Any size pork tenderloin - I bought a big one this last time, so I could freeze the rest for meals after the baby comes. I've also used smaller ones that are one-mealers.
1 can of Dr. Pepper (or Mr. Pibb... my hubby actually prefers the latter, but it's not available up here in MI.)
I put the applesauce on top of the tenderloin and the Dr. Pepper all around it. I then added the cinnamon and brown sugar to the Dr. Pepper. I don't really have an amount for these...I just dumped in what looked good to my eye. I left it in the crock pot on low for 6 hours, and it was seriously the best Pork Tenderloin I've ever made. Even A-bug who doesn't really like meat ate quite a bit.
My Best-Ever Cooked Carrots (I know, my recipes have such original titles...)
1 pound of carrots
I just dumped it all in the rock pot and put it on high for 3 hours, and they were perfect. Soft enough for A to eat without us cutting them up, but they didn't fall apart when you tried to stab them with a fork. They were delish.
So anyways, that's my super easy-peasy Fall-inspired dinner. Have I mentioned how much I love the flavors of Fall? Hopefully, I'll get some more yummy recipes to share later. I have a whole bunch of ingredients for more Pinterest recipes on my shopping list for this weekend, and I can't wait to try them. I'm sure J and A won't mind being my guinea pigs ;)
Brown Sugar

My Best-Ever Cooked Carrots (I know, my recipes have such original titles...)
1 pound of carrots
2 tablespoons fresh oregano
3/4 cup of water
1 tablespoon of salt
1 tablespoon of salt
I just dumped it all in the rock pot and put it on high for 3 hours, and they were perfect. Soft enough for A to eat without us cutting them up, but they didn't fall apart when you tried to stab them with a fork. They were delish.
So anyways, that's my super easy-peasy Fall-inspired dinner. Have I mentioned how much I love the flavors of Fall? Hopefully, I'll get some more yummy recipes to share later. I have a whole bunch of ingredients for more Pinterest recipes on my shopping list for this weekend, and I can't wait to try them. I'm sure J and A won't mind being my guinea pigs ;)
(I would like to note that neither of these pics were mine, but they look remarkably close what came out of my crock pot. Yes, the pork really was that tender. I'm seriously going to throw some BBQ sauce on the leftovers and turn them into pulled pork sandwiches, that's how tender it was.)
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