Sep 14, 2012

Oh, the words you will say

Sometimes, I get so wrapped up in blogging all of our projects and the major events that I forget about the everyday little things A does that make her so special. There are so may quirks and aspects to her unique little personality that I don't want to forget, I need to remember to write them down more often.

Today, we took A to one of her favorite places - Ikea. There's something about all the showcase rooms, the wide aisles to run down, all the toys and play stations and - of course - the FOOD that has her giddy from the moment we announce our trip till she collapses from sheer exhaustion when we get in the car to go home.  Today's trip was no exception. She most thoroughly explored every square inch of the showcase floor, but was about ready to have an emotional meltdown halfway through the downstairs warehouse floor. Fortunately, she pulled herself together just long enough to get a couple new lights for her room and inhale some fries and chicken tenders.

She's also talking now more than ever. I mean, there's never really been a time when she didn't talk, but now her little babbles are starting to make sense. From the time I hear "mommy, WAKE up!" first thing in the morning until she says "night night, mommy. Lub ooh." at night, she's just full of adorable little statements. She can now ask for specific foods for meal times, whether it's "oh-mee-lou" (oatmeal,) a "butter sack-ich" (peanut butter toast,) or "chi-chi's cecil" (Cheerios) for breakfast or "ta-berries" (strawberries,) "ooh-ger" (yogurt) and cheese for lunch. She has now also finally figured out the difference between milk, juice and water, but 9 times out of 10, she'll ask for milk over anything else. Some other cute food words she says are "chalk-it" (chocolate,) "copy" (coffee,) and "muffy" (muffin.) One word that blogging cannot properly convey the humor of is the specific way she says the word "BAAAAAAAACOOOOOOOOON." It pretty much sounds exactly like I just typed it, with a low growly aspect to it. Makes me think that we definitely have a tomboy on our hands. 

Something else she's just started to do in the past couple of weeks is putting groups of words together to form sentences that are actually understandable to us as parental units.  She's been saying things like "I like it" and "I did it!" for a while, but now she can ask us to read her a book, and sometimes a specific book like "Elmo Lub Ooh" (Elmo loves you,) "Lub ooh to an to" (I love you through and through,) "Night night moon" (Goodnight, Moon,) or "Happy kiss me" (Veggie Tale's Merry Christmas.) Many of her favorite books, she has "memorized" and has started to figure out when we skip pages - whether accidental or intentional. 

A has always preferred playing with and reading about animals over Barbies or dolls in general. She can now make most obvious animal noises, as well as a few unique ones. Her favorites are hooting like an owls, "skeeking" like a mouse, "kacking" like a duck and moo'ing (always with great enthusiasm) like a cow. She's also working really hard on her fish face, which is incredibly entertaining to watch. She's also decided that she doesn't like "icky bugs" although she doesn't mind lady bugs or ants for some reason. She has an odd fear of flies and crickets as well - I think it's their odd modes of movement that kinda creeps her out. 

There are so many other little things she does that I am going to try harder to capture in words before it's too late. I've personally never met a funnier child in my life, and I hope to remember all these hilarious little quirks she has.

Shopping with Mimi

Loving her Elmo phone she got for her birthday

I mean, seriously, with this face? How cute is she?!

Reaching to grab the airplanes that fly above our new house

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