As many of my readers know, there's only been one thing that has caused me great anxiety over the past couple months of my pregnancy, and that is how A is going to react to having K around. Getting used to a bump on mommy's belly is much different than getting used to a new baby brother. At least, in my experience, that's been the case. I remember when my baby brother was born - I was not a happy customer. And I didn't want that to be the case with A and K. I recently had several friends have their second child, and I was loving all the loving sibling pictures popping up on Facebook of the big brother or sister giving sweet kisses to the new baby. That's what I wanted.
K was born on Sunday morning, and A was coming by to meet him after going to church with her grandparents. All day, I was wondering if she was going to know who he was and how she was going to react. Thus, I could not have been more thrilled when she walked into the room, pointed to the little baby bundle sitting on my lap and squealed "baby Ky-Ky!" After running around and giving everyone else there hugs and kisses, she crawled right up into my lap to explore what this new baby looked like. She very gingerly patted his head, saying, "Nice baby. Good baby." And then, a moment I will never forget that still brings tears to my eyes; she leaned over, kissed his sleepy head and whispered, "lub you, baby Ky-Ky. Night-night."
A few days later, we were letting her touch him for the first time other than the occasional pat on the head. She was gingerly running her little toddler fingers over his mostly nonexistent eyebrows, chubby little cheeks and perfect little mouth. With each facial feature, she said "eyes, cheeks, 'leetle mouf'" etc. But when she got to his nose, she reached out, pinched it and said "BEEP BEEP!" and giggled. I laughed so hard; K was not so much impressed with getting his nose BEEP'ed. We gently informed her between giggles that baby Ky-Ky was not quite old enough to get his nose BEEP'ed because it was a "big girl" thing, and he needed to get a little bit older. She hasn't done it again since, but judging by the look on her face when she's talking to him, she is definitely thinking about it. I'm sure it's only the first of many times she'll annoy him and thus, entertain us to no end.
Now, every time she walks in the door, wakes up from a nap or just feels like making her presence known, she announces, "Mommy, Daddy - I here! Hi, baby Ky-Ky!" At night, when she's giving everyone kisses, she won't go to her room till she's kissed his little head and said, "Night-night, baby Ky-ky. I lub you." Sometimes she'll end with "see dweems" (sweet dreams) or "be good." She never ceases to amaze me with her cuteness and sweetness. I'm sure all this sibling love won't last forever, but I'm certainly enjoying how this has been going so far. I can't wait to see all the new things she's going to teach him :)
TA-DA! He's here! :) |
"Hi, bebe! Hi!" |
First ever family photo of all 4 of us :) |
Loved this! Thanks for sharing.