Oct 30, 2012

Serious Sleep Deprivation

Overall, Baby K is a wonderful baby. He eats really well and is incredibly laid back, which is a welcome change from when A-bug was a baby. The one major issue we're dealing with right now, however, is the fact that his days and nights are still mixed up. This isn't an issue every night, but about every other. He's not even always bad, either - he's just awake. And awake infants aren't fold of laying in the dark doing nothing. They like attention. And while I love my son more than anything, I'm not the best attention-giver at 3am.

Last night, however, he was a totally different child. He was screaming and fussing all. night. long. As soon as he would calm down for a few minutes from eating, he would get the hiccups, or have a dirty diaper, or spit up. It was just one thing after another, and if he did get quiet for longer than 30 seconds and I laid him down to sleep, he would immediately wake up as soon as I turned the lights out and start screaming again. It was a fun night.

As difficult of a infant as A was, the one thing I could count on was that she would sleep at night. I'm not sure how to go about getting K's  nights back on schedule. I had thought that keeping the lights on during the day, and not tip toe-ing around him would help get him on a better days/nights schedule. I have tried waking him up, but once this child is asleep, there is no changing his mind. I have changed his diaper while he stayed asleep before. If he wants to sleep, he's gonna sleep. And at night, if he doesn't want to sleep, he's not going to. It doesn't matter that we keep it dark at night and it's considerably quieter after Aria falls asleep. To him, that signals the time to wake up, not the other way around. All that to say, I am fresh out of ideas of how to train this child to sleep at night and not during the day. Anyone else deal with this issue? I hear it's rather common. If we don't do something about this soon, I'm going to lose my mind.

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