Feb 2, 2011

Operation Anger Management

so aria has started screaming. lots. and out of anger. if she doesn't get what she wants, she screams. especially at "going to bed" time... if we set her down and she doesn't feel like it, it's just constant high-pitched screaming...which we can tolerate for a while in order to teach her that screaming is not the answer, but after a while you either go deaf or insane so... here's the question.

when did you start disciplining your kids for anger issues (or any other issues a 6 month old may have - i can't currently think of any.) ? did you go with a stern "no!" or a slap on the leg? i'm not thinking a slap on the butt is going to work through the diaper lol :P what are you suggestions?


  1. Felicity just started that this week. She definitely has her own agenda, and screams when she doesn't get what she wants. I have just said firmly "no... you may not scream like that". Now she usually stops when I tell her. I know a lot of people set them down when they scream, or just swat the leg a little. Some people even have to flick the lip a tiny bit to let them know that is what the issue is.
    You are a great mama, and I am sure she will get over it soon!

  2. The daycare my kids go to starts positive reinforcement right away in the infant room. When infants are screaming or doing something they shouldn't they say "Abby I need you to be all done screaming" or "Jacob I'd like your hands to stay off her body". If kids are screaming for a toy or trying to steal it from other kids they teach them to use their words. With infants they say "I understand you want that toy and you are sad but it's Sophia's turn to play with that andnyou can be next". With the older kids they tell them to use their words when they are sad, mad, etc. This way they learn to use words instead of hitting, screaming,etc. If they are really upset they say "I see that you are you arenupset but I need you to walk away until you can get control of your emotions". Ive had 3 kids go thru this program and it is amazing how well they understand and respond positively to it. My 3 year old will actually say "I want to be alone" or "I need to walk away" when ahe is having a hard time. Good luck!


Please feel free to leave your input and experiences!