aria is trying to hard to stand up on her own, but just hasn't figured out that she has to push herself up with both legs. right now, she's just pushing up one leg at a time, which means she ends up tumbling over on her bum. when she falls, we say "boom! boom!" and apparently the sound of those words makes her laugh, because whenever we say it she just laughs and laughs - it doesn't matter that she just fell.
she's also scooting all over the place and yesterday tried to crawl into our cabinet drawer that she had opened when i looked away for, like, 2 seconds. she's also attempted to climb out of her play saucer to retrieve her paci, pull herself out of her swing and lunge out of our arms in a valiant effort to nab the remote control (one of her current obsessions.)
other recent obsessions? well, let's see... our fake wood doors - every time i walk by one when holding her she reaches out to touch the doors. she won't stop grabbing my lips or glasses when i'm feeding her and her favorite toy today was when i gave her one of my old Thirty-One catalogs to play with (must be the pretty colors...) oh, and she's still in love with seeing herself in the mirror...go figure.
i'm not thinking it'll be too much longer before she's standing up on her own and trying to walk, at which point we'll have lots of "boom! boom!"s...
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