Things that make me smile...
- aria talking and giving wet kisses to her dolls and stuffed animals
- aria dancing with her little music players
- when aria "passes gas" and baby powder *poofs* out her diaper
- aria's smile when i come in to get her up from a nap
- the way aria stares at us and moves her mouth with us when we're eating dinner
- aria trying to put something in her mouth that will never fit/never move close enough to her mouth to actually be inserted therein
- when aria gets her foot stuck in her play rings and, instead of pulling it off, just crawls around with 40 rings behind her
- they way her hair sticks up after a bath
- getting good-night hugs and kisses from my angel
- aria's jabber-talk/sing to herself in the morning
- watching aria play with her daddy and give him kisses on his nose (and steal his glasses)
- seeing aria do something all by herself for the first time (ie - putting her paci in, holding her bottle, picking up her dropped toy)
- waking up every morning knowing i have the greatest blessing in the world sleeping one room over :)
post-bath hair :) |
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