Jun 6, 2011

Shopping with Baby

Since Aria's been born, we have dreaded shopping as a family. One of us would watch her at home and the other would go shopping. But with the advent of her ability to sit up on her own, things have changed. One of Aria's favorite things in the world now is going to the grocery store. So much to see and touch, and people to talk to - she it just in heaven at Meijer (our grocery store of choice.) Aria's enjoyment of the grocery store has brought a new era of family shopping to the Wardell home. Going to Meijer is now an adventure and family outing. Since it's so close, we can walk there with Aria's stroller if we're just picking up a few things, or we can load up in the car and use her "cart cover" when we need to do a big trip. Either way, her outgoing conversations with strangers and love of the ceiling lights and fans makes shopping  a fun trip :) We're just learning to keep the cart far enough away from her curious hands to keep random things from coming off the shelves and into our cart....

This was Aria's first trip in a cart :) Still can't go anywhere without the blankie...

1 comment:

  1. Just wait till she's old enough to ride the penny horse....if its still a penny. It was the ending high light of every grocery shopping trip Dad and I went on with the three of you for about 5 years! :D


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