May 27, 2011

What pulls up must fall down

Yep, it's happened; Aria has started to pull herself up with very little help needed, if any at all. She's currently been going to town on the couch and loveseat, her play saucer and her baby chair (it's not really a "high chair" since it stays planted on the ground...) with the last being her personal favorite. And naturally, what goes up must go down. And down she goes - sometimes suddenly, sometimes slowly, but never gracefully. Something else she gets from her momma (poor thing.)

She's incredibly proud of herself and this new accomplishment, but now she thinks she can walk. And she cannot. So right now, I'm trying to think of a way to keep her frequent face plants into the carpet to a minimum, or at least the pain to a minimum. I see unfortunately placed rug-burns in her future...

The aforementioned "baby chair" that she eats in. She loves it :)

I have yet to get a picture of her standing all the way up, but this is right before she gets up to full standing position :)

May 24, 2011

Operation Discovery: Jello

Last night, I made some sugar free Raspberry Jello in little Aria sized portions and this morning we gave it a shot. And she loved it!....eventually. I think the strange texture that she hadn't experienced before kinda weirded her out at first, but after a few bites the slurping and wiggliness won her over and she was diving for it. Her mouth is now completely red stained, and I'm hoping against all hopes that she won't spit up red Jello all over my carpet, but so far, Jello is a win.

May 23, 2011

Everyday Funny Moments Caught on Camera

I don't usually get the chance to grab a camera and get the perfect shot of Aria during her most entertaining antics, but I usually can get to my camera phone. Now granted, since these are camera phone pictures, they aren't the greatest quality. Some of these I've posted before, but I wanted a group post of funny pictures, so some are repeats.
Stuck under the couch at Mimi's 
Teething on a Tree

At her 9-month pictures, she had a little "spit-up" issue. And I caught this picture at the most amazing time.

Proof you can have your cake and eat it, too.

Talking to herself in the mini-mirror on her play saucer

Still trying to figure out the sippy cup thing...

What's better than one paci? Why, TWO paci's of course!!

Taken when she was about a month old, Aria looked like a little mummy baby in her swaddler

Asleep on daddy's chest

Like daddy, like daughter...

The hoodie was just a tad too big...

I have no idea what happened here, but the picture was just too funny

Ninja baby in Costco


Her snow suit was just a little big, even though it said 3-6 months

Matching shoes with Uncle Treavor...she couldn't stop staring at her feet lol

Social Butterfly

Around 8-10 months (right where Aria is right now) is the point when most parents start reporting separation anxiety, shyness around strangers and attachment to material things (think "blankie" "teddy" etc.) Well, Aria is definitely experiencing separation anxiety and attachment to her blankie, but that whole "shyness around strangers" thing... yeahno. Sometimes I think Aria actually enjoys leaving us for a while and hanging out with other people lol. I noticed this again yesterday when we dropped her off at the nursery with people she'd never met before. Of course, I as the mommy was very nervous about this - we all want to make sure our kids are receiving the best care and attention, and leaving them with people you don't know - even in a church nersery - can be cause for apprehension.

Being a smaller church (and a nursery with only 2 babies) I was able to stop by and see her in between Sunday school and the church service. The lady with Aria on her lap said "Aria, there's mommy - do you want to see mommy really quickly?" To my surprise, Aria just looked at her, looked at me and went back to playing with her toy and the other baby. Success.

Sometimes I worry that Aria doesn't get enough social interaction being an only child and since I haven't enrolled her in any kind of "play time" programs, but it's times like these when I can watch her playing with other kids and toys and being content without Josh and I being there that assures me that she's going to be just fine :)

Aria waving "hi!" to the camera while playing with Mimi

May 21, 2011

More fun outside...

We've never gotten to go out to play when Josh was home because of his work schedule and the wretched Michigan weather, but today we had that chance! It was so much fun - we went out for a picnic, took a nice walk which turned in to a walk to Meijer (Aria's favorite place) and ended with a very very sleepy baby. It was so nice to go out and enjoy the beautiful, warm weather with the whole family and I can't wait to do more of it in the coming months :)

May 20, 2011

Operation Discovery: Mommy's Make-up

Well, it wasn't exactly the actual make-up this time (not yet at least...) but the make-up brushes, which are now her favorite thing in this whole world. We were playing in the bathroom at the mirror (if this sounds strange to you, you haven't been reading my blog long enough lol) and all of a sudden, Aria lunges for the brushes. And succeeds. Next thing I know she's rubbing my "blush brush" (I have no idea what the proper names of those are, or if there even is one) across her forehead and has little bronzer sparkles all over her. We continued to play with the soft brushes a little bit longer, but eventually the struggle to keep them out of her mouth was too much for me, and they got put away.... for another day...when I'm sure I'll be wishing it was only the brushes she had discovered...

Operation Discovery: Outside

I've heard this from several people now, so at least I know Aria's not unusual, but I still think it's weird. Aria's afraid of grass. Well, not so much afraid of it, but she hates it. Very very much. She loves to look at it, and she could easily stare out the window all day... but once I take her outside, she gives a very suspicious look at the grass and screams at it. Once, she actually touched it, and was horrified by it. Now, there are many things I can understand a small child not enjoying, but this is beyond me... Anyone who would like to enlighten me on the subject, please feel free.

Not the greatest picture ever, but she would NOT look at the camera, so when she finally did, I jumped at the chance lol

Teething Terrors

At least, I hope it's teething. The past few days with Aria have been almost unbearable. I just don't know what to do for her. When she gets worked up, she won't take anything, even if it will help her (ie - a teething ring)... Which leads for much screaming and eventually, collapsing from exhaustion. I'm just willing with all my heart and soul for these blasted teeth to just pop out. *sigh*

May 16, 2011

More Discoveries...

It seems that Aria truly does grow a little bit more every day. And since she's constantly "getting into things," she's constantly learning new things, much to the entertainment of both her and her parents :) She has now discovered how to remove the back of most of our battery-powered appliances, pull herself up using the couch, climb into her high-chair (which is planted on the ground) by herself and is working day and night to figure out how to get in the fridge (where all the food is!) - fortunately, the fridge is not something she'll be conquering anytime soon, but she's sure giving it her best shot. 

Her fascination with textures continues, and this applies to the textures she puts in her mouth. Her current favorite household item to chew on is our ceramic coasters, and really, she doesn't so much as chew on them as she constantly licks them... I have to make sure one is clean at all times.

Another "growth moment" happened this past week when we switched out her baby carrier for her "big girl car seat." Since this chair doesn't have her beloved toy bar, we've started bringing toys in the car for her to play with, and she's actually been very good about not throwing them around the car, surprisingly enough. She loves being able to see everything going on in the world around her, and this is just another step towards her feeling more independent (I don't think she quite realizes how far she has left to go yet but....)

Waving at the camera with her spikey hair :)

May 13, 2011

Money Saving Giveaway!!

Ok, so the show "Extreme Couponers" has inspired me to save money, but I just can't go to the extreme some of them have. And, with all my inspiration, I have so few ideas on how to creatively save money. Which is why I'm imploring the help of you! Most of my readers (from what I can tell at least) are very creative moms who try to do the best they can for their families with the resources God has given them. So...

Share with me your best money saving tips via a comment below, and you will win (drum roll please) a Large Utility Tote in any print with any embroidery you want!! (this is a $36 value!!) This product is a favorite of many money saving mommas for grocery shopping, organization, laundry and many more things. Your money saving idea can be ANYTHING from grocery shopping, around the house- type stuffs, reuse ideas - anything!! So give it your best shot and share with your friends :)

You can also get an extra entry for going to my Facebook page and liking me :) (hint: just click on the words "my Facebook page", and it'll pull up the page for ya'.) :)

The random drawing for the winner will be held on May 28th, so there's 2 weeks to enter and get your friends to enter too! :)
I just love how big and versatile these totes are. This special limited edition print is only available the month of June and for this giveaway :)

May 11, 2011

Going Shopping!

Until just recently, Aria's shopping experience existed only of staring at the top of her carrier and occasionally holding my coupon organizer on her lap. Not much fun for someone who likes to be in the middle of things... But NOW, she has her cart cover! She can sit in the cart, play with her blankie and toys and be able to see EVERYTHING! And she gives it her honest-to-goodness best effort to indeed see everything; she's always whipping her head around, talking to and smiling at people, and reaching out to touch things she finds interesting. It's like a whole new world has opened up to her. The grocery store is now her favorite place in this world :)

Her first trip in her new cover - to Lowe's. She loved the fan section, touching the rugs and carpets and looking at new refrigerators :) 

May 10, 2011

Project Name Blocks

I am not an "crafty" person by any stretch of the imagination, but I thought I'd give name blocks a shot. I mean, they were so cute and I had most of the paper and embellishments already from my scrapbooking days... Here are the results. Those who do this regularly, PLEASE leave comments to help me improve :)

Family Pictures - April 2011

Family pictures are always an issue for us, because as much as Aria likes the camera at home, once we take her anywhere, she shies away from the camera, gets crabby and tired easier and REFUSES to cooperate. Any decent pictures are testament to lots of hard work from Josh, myself and the photographer. This day was no exception, but we were able to get some good ones :) 

Picture Catch-Up

Sporting her sailor outfit :)

Aria and daddy on Easter

Showing off her Easter outfit :)

Magazine Destruction!

Communication is Key!

One of Josh and my biggest frustrations with raising a small, very strongly-willed child is the inability to communicate or understand their forms of communication. Well, we're finally starting to get this whole communication thing with a little help from our young daughter.

Aria's started waiving and jabbering more in the past few weeks. She waves at things she likes or wants to look at and people she likes. She raises both arms if she's getting frustrated with something. She calls for her "baba" when she's hungry (but only for a few seconds before the screaming begins lol) and she now says "mama" and "dada" quite clearly :) She even smacks her lips together to show she's happy and kicks her lips when she wants to put something in her mouth :)

All these little things, while very little steps, are helping us understand out daughter better. We're figuring out things she likes and dislikes, and I feel like her personality - while it has always been very present - is really starting to make sense to us. Finally lol. We're really having fun with her now and she is starting to understand us, which is always good, too. :) I can't wait till the day we can actually have conversations with her!

Aria enjoying her Easter Bunny hat :)

With Sincerest Apologies ...

I know... I've been a very delinquent blogger. Things were busy and then...I, well...I forgot and then so much time had gone by I was overwhelmed with all I had to catch up on, but now I'm gonna bite the bullet and try and catch up... hang on...