May 16, 2011

More Discoveries...

It seems that Aria truly does grow a little bit more every day. And since she's constantly "getting into things," she's constantly learning new things, much to the entertainment of both her and her parents :) She has now discovered how to remove the back of most of our battery-powered appliances, pull herself up using the couch, climb into her high-chair (which is planted on the ground) by herself and is working day and night to figure out how to get in the fridge (where all the food is!) - fortunately, the fridge is not something she'll be conquering anytime soon, but she's sure giving it her best shot. 

Her fascination with textures continues, and this applies to the textures she puts in her mouth. Her current favorite household item to chew on is our ceramic coasters, and really, she doesn't so much as chew on them as she constantly licks them... I have to make sure one is clean at all times.

Another "growth moment" happened this past week when we switched out her baby carrier for her "big girl car seat." Since this chair doesn't have her beloved toy bar, we've started bringing toys in the car for her to play with, and she's actually been very good about not throwing them around the car, surprisingly enough. She loves being able to see everything going on in the world around her, and this is just another step towards her feeling more independent (I don't think she quite realizes how far she has left to go yet but....)

Waving at the camera with her spikey hair :)

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