May 23, 2011

Everyday Funny Moments Caught on Camera

I don't usually get the chance to grab a camera and get the perfect shot of Aria during her most entertaining antics, but I usually can get to my camera phone. Now granted, since these are camera phone pictures, they aren't the greatest quality. Some of these I've posted before, but I wanted a group post of funny pictures, so some are repeats.
Stuck under the couch at Mimi's 
Teething on a Tree

At her 9-month pictures, she had a little "spit-up" issue. And I caught this picture at the most amazing time.

Proof you can have your cake and eat it, too.

Talking to herself in the mini-mirror on her play saucer

Still trying to figure out the sippy cup thing...

What's better than one paci? Why, TWO paci's of course!!

Taken when she was about a month old, Aria looked like a little mummy baby in her swaddler

Asleep on daddy's chest

Like daddy, like daughter...

The hoodie was just a tad too big...

I have no idea what happened here, but the picture was just too funny

Ninja baby in Costco


Her snow suit was just a little big, even though it said 3-6 months

Matching shoes with Uncle Treavor...she couldn't stop staring at her feet lol

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