May 26, 2012

Chatty Actions

We've all heard the saying, "Your walk talks, and your talk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks." (Quite the tongue twister, and it wasn't all that easy to type.) It's a relatively simple concept, but for some people, it's a difficult one to put into practice. Basically, you can say whatever you want, but until you act on your supposed belief system, no one is going to believe you. "If you say you are a Christian, but don't have the love of God in your life, you're a liar." Sound familiar?

There is nothing more frustrating and discouraging to me than people who claim to be Christians, and even Christian leaders, and yet demonstrate none of what Christ and His true followers clearly defined as Christian character. I think the Bible is pretty clear when Christ says, "by their fruit you will know them," and then later in the New Testament goes on to list what the fruits of the Spirit are -  Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness. Let me be very clear - if someone says they are a Christian, but they don't love people, aren't happy, aren't gentle, are impatient and are constantly arguing, the Bible is calling their bluff. By your fruits, you will be known. How are you known?


Please feel free to leave your input and experiences!