Oct 20, 2011


Fall, for me, is a time to think back to the past few months and reminisce on things past. I'm not sure if it's the cooler temperatures, the beautiful, yet temporary, leaves or the impulse to be outside as much as possible before another Michigan winter hits that makes me so reflective, but it pushes me to capture as many of these moments as possible, before I forget them, and they're gone forever (probably the same impulse that had me pick up the blogging again, as a matter of fact.)

Aria is at the most amazing age right now - finding something interesting in every little - usually insignificant - thing. The scrap of paper on the ground, the cardboard box my order of Thirty-one came in yesterday, the piece of tape she can't shake off her finger; all these things just entertain her to no end. She's also enjoying the freedom to toddle around now on her own, and is at the point in walking where she doesn't fall nearly as much. She loves on her "babies" and rocks them, gives them kisses and pats them before laying them down for a nap. She has some sort of imaginary world with her finger puppets, and is always having the most in depth conversation with them. But of all these absolutely adorable new developments, my favorite is when she calls for me or Josh ("Ma!" or "Da!") and gives us a big hug and kiss. So precious.

These are the days that make those first few very long months all worth it. My baby girl is growing up.

What do you do to hang on to the memories and experiences of your children growing up? Do you blog as well? Or scrapbook? Maybe you journal? Please share your ideas!

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