Sep 20, 2012

My little sickie eating fishies

Today, I think my A-bug is sick :( We kinda had a rough start to the morning as it was because I didn't sleep when it was dark out last night and didn't fall asleep until just before J got up for work. Thus, I didn't get up right away when I heard A over the monitor. One of the benefits of her sleeping in her "big girl bed" now is that she can get up and read books or play with her animals if I don't get her up right away, and today that's just what she did. I heard her read a few books out loud, and then she much have gone back to sleep because she was dead quiet for another couple of hours. I most thoroughly appreciated the extra hours of needed sleep, but when she woke up again at 11, I knew I had to get both of us up.

When I went downstairs to get her, she was laying in her bed reading books, but was happy to be out of her room. She still seemed rather dazed, for having the extra hours of sleep, but I didn't know exactly how long she'd been awake before she told me through the monitor that she wanted to get up. I also assumed that she would be hungry out of her mind, but when I tried to feed her breakfast, she didn't even get through one container of yogurt before she said she was done. That was my first clue that she was sick. A-bug never turns down blueberry yogurt. 

When the dark circles under her eyes didn't go away, I knew she wasn't feeling well. And then when I went to change her diaper, she got goosebumps all over and tried to put her pans back on while saying, "cold, mommy! cold!" At this point, she doesn't feel warm anymore, but she still won't go anywhere without her blanket wrapped around her.She's also been clingy today, but since the move, I really don't consider that to be incredibly unusual. 

As per usual, whenever A isn't feeling well, she gets to eat Goldfish on the couch while watching cartoons, even in the afternoon when she usually doesn't get to watch TV. While I'm not fond of the fact that she looks like she's about to cry every time I turn the TV off, it has enabled me to get a lot done today - including 2 blog posts :) Considering just last night we got our dryer fixed and had been without one for almost a month, I have laundry up to my armpits.  I have finished 2 loads, with another one each in the washer and dryer. I've also got the walls in the basement and the stairs going down there all wiped down. It's amazing how much cleaner a lemon-scented All-Purpose can make you feel when you walk into a room. See? I told you I was getting a lot done today!

Despite getting all this stuff done without the usual interruptions, I'm missing my usually energetic and spunky toddler... it's just weird with her not wanting to move off the couch or wanting to eat everything in sight :( Get better, baby bug. 

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